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You’ve probably heard of the term “grounding” and it’s important to be “grounded”. Well, what exactly does this mean?
Let’s first start with the base concept of everything is made of energy. You and I are made up of energy & have specified areas used for energy exchange. Our bodies need to plug/tune in to Mother Earth to release excess energy & to maintain an optimum biological frequency. Researchers believe that biological organisms here on Earth evolved to use the Earth’s natural frequency (aka Schumann resonance) as a way to sustain good health. Interestingly machines that simulate this frequency had been placed in space shuttles to counteract the negative physical effects astronauts experienced while being “dis-connected” from Earth. Studies have shown that the lower our frequency becomes the more susceptible we are to disease & other health-related issues. A healthy human frequency is 62-78 MHz while disease can set in at 58 MHz. Stress, chemicals, electro-pollution, and the poor quality of food that we eat are all lower-based frequencies that can bring our own down. So just how do we “ground” to Mother Earth? Carrying a grounding stone such as Black Tourmaline, Hematite, or Smoky quartz will help you establish this connection. “Earthing” is a premier way to connect to Earth! This is the act of walking barefoot outdoors. The soles of our shoes can interfere with the frequency exchange. Take your shoes & socks off and soak up the energy! Work with a certified Crystal Healer to make sure the energy in your root chakra is stable & well-maintained for this is the chakra that is connected to the Earth’s energy. Eat organic foods- these foods straight from Mother Nature her-self provide the highest frequencies since they are in their pure form. Be aware of any harmful chemicals used on foods or in beauty products. Chemicals will alter your frequency. Try to make time to un-plug from all electronics. Electronics give off frequency signals that will interact & create chaos with your own frequency. If you just can’t give up your cell phone or Ipad place a large piece of Black Tourmaline or Hematite in between you & the electronic to help shield you. All of these things will help keep your natural frequency. Doing visual exercises can also help. Get into a quiet place & close your eyes. Feel your feet getting heavy. Your feet are now rooting into Mother Earth. Picture the roots going deeper, thru many different layers until they come to rest at the Earth’s iron core. Hold this as long as you feel the need to. When you’re ready release the roots slowly coming back up thru all of the layers. You’re soon at the ground level. See those roots coming out of the soil and back up to where they become your feet again. Slowly open your eyes- breathe in- now out and release. |
AuthorSarah Boyster Archives
April 2021
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